JunkerVal's Antiques, Vintage Junk & Jewelry!
3458 Bluebonnet Circle Fort Worth, Texas 76109
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A Year

Dear Sweet Friends,
Beatice Wood, the Artist, said “My life is full of mistakes. They’re like pebbles that make a good road.,”
I don’t know if my road is good But I have made a ton of agonizing mistakes in this first year of owning a
junky Antique shop. And I have had a great many lessons and shocks and surprises and disappointments,
some Good, some Not.

I have lost friends,…. some I know why, some I do Not know why.
I have made many more New friends.
Friends who are NOT threatened by how I have changed.

My biggest regret is I waited so long …..that I did Not believe
in myself.
It was hard to open a shop at this late age….no one seemed to really believe in me.

I did it anyway.

My other biggest regret is that my Dad did not live long enough to see my shop. He would’ve loved it.

I straightened my shoulders today & said out loud to myself,

” After 35 years, you’re doing it, Val. No more booths at Antique Malls. No more working for anyone else.
No more back-breaking antique shows, No more hot dirty flea markets.” (Although I met the BEST People in the world at all those places!)

Some of you write on my page or even tell me at the shop that you want to be me or you want my life….
No, you don’t.
You want your own version of what I do or something else….and you will probably do it better than I Ever could.

BUT whatever you want to do, Do it NOW…
Do NOT wait. So what if you make mistakes!….you will make mistakes where ever you are…..
If I can do this, I KNOW YOU can.

Ps. Here is a disclaimer….
I don’t know how long this Crazy Junkin Adventure will last, but I’m gonna stay on this ride til it’s over!

Pss. Yippee!connie may

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Posted in Letters from Val

2 Responses to “A Year”

you keep Going Girl…..

thank you Leah, you too!