JunkerVal's Antiques, Vintage Junk & Jewelry!
3458 Bluebonnet Circle Fort Worth, Texas 76109
Open by Appointment only, Text 817-266-6403
Shop JunkerVal's Antique Treasures on Facebook & Instagram!
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I gotta lotta junk for you, junkeroo! Tomorrow 10am, 3458 Bluebonnet Circle , Fort Worth 76109, click 4 photos!

a sweet junkerVal poem by my friend,Tina Downey

‎’Twas the night before junkfest
and all through the store
not a surface was nekkid
there wuz treasures galore.Our grandma was pooped
don’t yew know she’d worked hard
and Beckett, the Wonder Dog
yep, he was t’ard.

BBut just wait until mornin’
bring yer cash and be spry
they’ll have bargains for yew
so come by and BUY BUY!

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Posted in Letters from Val